First and foremost... Happy New Year!!!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season, mine was great! Super busy but great!
I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, but this year I have decided to make goals for 2013 not a "resolution." So here they are "My goals for 2013!"
1. Become more organized!! Yup this is a biggie, Paper and clothing over take my rooms!!!! I am an avid shopper for clothing and find that I don't have enough hangers let alone closet space in general. So it's time to to clean out my closet and take things to the local mission. My rule for cleaning out my closet is.... A) If it's in season, and I have had the opportunity to wear it in the last 2 weeks and haven't, it has to go!! No ifs ands or buts! It's time to say good bye to it! B) If it doesn't fit, it's got to go, we all have those "skinny jeans" that we all want to get back into, but honestly with the way trends change by the time I get back into them they aren't fashionable anymore, so good bye clothing that doesn't fit right!
My office room looks like a bomb has gone off, Papers, papers, papers!!! My goal in the office is to sort the papers, and rearrange it so I can actually find what I am looking for in under 5 minutes!!
2. Dedicate more time on my blog! I want to dedicate more time with all of you, and make my blog all that it can be. I have really enjoyed my time creating it. My goal is to post 2-3 times a week even if it's just rambling.
3. READ, READ, and READ some more!!! I want to read a lot of new books that have been on my "to read" list, on Goodreads, and review them. Reading is my outlet, I love that feeling when you connect with a character, and you don't want there story to end.
4. To start taking more photo's. I want to capture more moments. Who knows where this could lead, if nothing else I will get to see amazing things!
5. Finish my book I started writing!!!
6. Be the BEST wife I can be. My husband is amazing, I know that I would not be the person I am to day if Brad wasn't in my life, he makes me smile when all I want to do is cry, he has shown me what it is to be loved and I have found the most amazing love of all in him!
2013 Looks ambitious, but I'm up for the challenge! Please leave a message below and let me know your New Years resolutions or as I call them, my goals for 2013!!
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