
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Long journey home!!!

I am so excited that I had to share with you all!!!

Two years ago in 2011 we had a little female kitty that showed up at our house,

we live on a farm so kitties showing up is not a rare thing. Needless to say she had a litter of kittens, 5 of the most adorable little kittens you have ever seen in your life!!!

I fell head over heals over them.

They were my babies, needless to say I had to find homes for them.... I would only give them to amazing homes, one to my mom, one to my dear friend Mindy and two of the boys I kept for my farm, the last little one I had to bring into my home because she needed a surgery! Fast forward one year to June 2012, one of the males I kept for my farm Jason, went missing, I feared the worst.

Last Friday, January 18th, 2013 almost 7 months after Jason first went missing, I got out of work early. I turned down my road and I saw my baby Jason running down the side of my road towards my house. I pulled into the end of my drive way and ran 1/4 mile down the road calling to him, he ran up to me I scooped him up and took him home. I couldn't beleive my baby made it back home!!! He was exhausted, he was dehydrated and very skinny, his eyes were red from the trauma due to exhaustion. We started him on antibiotics, and he slept for 2 straight days, I was so happy he made it home.

I am happy to report that Jason is doing very well his one eye is completely healed and the other is doing much better!! I wish I could find out where he has been, and hear all about his journey home. I am so over joyed that I have my baby back!!! I would love to hear about your amazing animal stories!! Please share them in the comments section!!!

I will keep you all posted on Jason and how he is doing!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New year...It's time to* Shine*

First and foremost... Happy New Year!!!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season, mine was great! Super busy but great! 

I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, but this year I have decided to make goals for 2013 not a "resolution." So here they are "My goals for 2013!"

1. Become more organized!! Yup this is a biggie, Paper and clothing over take my rooms!!!! I am an avid shopper for clothing and find that I don't have enough hangers let alone closet space in general.  So it's time to to clean out my closet and take things to the local mission.  My rule for cleaning out my closet is.... A) If it's in season, and I have had the opportunity to wear it in the last 2 weeks and haven't, it has to go!! No ifs ands or buts! It's time to say good bye to it! B) If it doesn't fit, it's got to go, we all have those "skinny jeans" that we all want to get back into, but honestly with the way trends change by the time I get back into them they aren't fashionable anymore, so good bye clothing that doesn't fit right! 
My office room looks like a bomb has gone off, Papers, papers, papers!!! My goal in the office is to sort the papers, and rearrange it so I can actually find what I am looking for in under 5 minutes!!

2. Dedicate more time on my blog! I want to dedicate more time with all of you, and make my blog all that it can be. I have really enjoyed my time creating it.  My goal is to post 2-3 times a week even if it's just rambling. 

3. READ, READ, and READ some more!!! I want to read a lot of new books that have been on my "to read" list, on Goodreads, and review them. Reading is my outlet, I love that feeling when you connect with a character, and you don't want there story to end. 

4. To start taking more photo's. I want to capture more moments. Who knows where this could lead, if nothing else I will get to see amazing things!

5. Finish my book I started writing!!!

6. Be the BEST wife I can be. My husband is amazing, I know that I would not be the person I am to day if Brad wasn't in my life, he makes me smile when all I want to do is cry,  he has shown me what it is to be loved and I have found the most amazing love of all in him! 

2013 Looks ambitious, but I'm up for the challenge! Please leave a message below and let me know your New Years resolutions or as I call them, my goals for 2013!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Goodbye 2012!!

It's hard to beleive that 2012 is almost OVER!!! This actually makes me incredibly sad, I can honestly say that 2012 has been the best year of my life!!! After almost 9 years Brad and I got married this year, he got a new awesome job, and my business has been booming!! 2013 has a lot to live up to!!!

I decided to put together some of the milestones that have happened this year.

January 7th, 2012: I decided to become strictly vegan, no animal or animal products for me!!

January 14th, 2012: Brad and I decided it was time to change my last name to match his, yup we got engaged!!!! 

We decided it was going to be small and intimate. Our parents were to be out only guest, I asked my cousin Ashley to be my Matron-of-honor and Brad asked our mutual friend John to be his best man {John is the one who set me and Brad up so it only seemed appropriate to ask him} Plus I had been Ashley's maid-of-honor last October and Brad had been John's Best man a few years earlier. We asked my wonderful friend Mindy if she would get ordained and perform our ceremony. Mindy agreed to do this for us!! 

January 16th, 2012: was a HUGE day, Brad started his new job, and I picked out my wedding dress!!!

Wedding dress shopping on a whim... let me tell you DON'T do it!!! I was shopping that day with my friend Mindy and decided to go in and look at a dress that I had seen online. The store didn't have the dress I was looking for. I told the girl that I was having a beach wedding, I didn't want a ball gown, I wanted something more soft, she did great, bringing dresses that fit the description I was giving her, plus it was a lot of fun trying them on.   I almost felt rushed though, like I had to choose one of the dresses that she brought in for me to try. My advice to you on this would be to have your consultant throw in a curve ball, something unlike the rest of the dresses you are trying on, you will never know what else is out there unless you try them on. I was overwhelmed and over excited!! I ended up saying "Yes to the dress!" I was so excited!!! {{for those of you who have seen my wedding pictures know that I didn't keep this dress, keep reading to see when I bought a new one!}}

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What to wear for professional pictures, and make up tips.

We had our engagement pictures taken in May this year and our pictures turned out amazing. Mostly because our photographer is the best, she is a creative genius!  and the other part was knowing what to wear and how to apply make up that shows up in pictures and doesn't wash you out!
1. Choose clothing that is comfortable, we were laying in a ditch at one point.
2. Match each other but not to matchy matchy. Notice we wore neutrals, our coats were both brown, but Not the same exact brown.
3. Wear clothing that is timeless, don't wear the latest trends... Trends go out of style leaving your pictures looking dated in no time.
4. When applying make up wear more then you normally would. I had my eyes lined thicker and darker then I would normally do, wearing black eyeliner really makes eyes pop, in photos.
5. Contour under your cheek bones 2 shades darker then you're foundation, and apply blush to the apples of your checks, so your face doesn't get washed out.
6. Use a liquid foundation, then set it with a powder one.
Tip: If your guy isn't into getting his pictures taken, before you leave home have him drink a beer... Not a whole case just one to take the edge off. This really works!! Our scheduled 45 minute session turned into 2 hours because we were all having so much fun!!
Another Tip: Find a photographer who has the same style you do, talk to them look at there work. Just like anything you have to like there work and personality, to get the best results!! Remember to smile pretty and have fun.
Take a look at a few of our pictures, I hope this helped!